Monday Morning Mood

Allison Smith on Twitter: "#monday #coffee… "

The clock may read that I have sprung ahead.

But my alarm is making me weep.

Five more minutes is all I can mutter.

My body still thinks that it’s owed sleep.

Feet on the floor and a hot steaming shower.

Clothes come out of the drawer.

That’s not enough coffee to wake me up.

I think I will need a few more.

I have minds to mold and stories to be told.

Unfortunately, it can not wait.

So, I hop in my car as quickly as I can.

I really do not want to be late!

5 thoughts on “Monday Morning Mood

  1. You captured how many of us were feeling this morning! I actually set my phone timer for ten minutes, and a closed my eyes again before getting dressed. I hope tomorrow morning is better for you and me!

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